Mr. Yohn, who?


Leah  Kurihara and Leandra Gimenez

Where to begin? If you don’t already know (and you’d have to be living under a rock not to) Mr.Yohn is currently a Leadership and 8th-grade American history teacher here at Stacey Middle School.

Beginning his teaching career as a substitute at different schools, Mr. Yohn also taught at a small Vietnamese school in Little Saigon. Eventually, he became a teacher at Stacey and has been for the past thirteen years. He describes his teaching style as alternative and different compared to what people learn in college. He says in five years he still sees himself at Stacey teaching American history. Continue reading “Mr. Yohn, who?”

7th Grade Social Studies Department Visits the Past

Thao Vy Phan

The 7th Grade Social Studies department has been provided an opportunity to visit the Old Orange County Courthouse in Santa Ana on January 26th.

The group will leave Stacey at 9:00 am and return sometime between 1:30 to 2:00. Along with the free exhibition, the school is provided with free bus transportation, activity guides and curator-led tours. However, due to the lack of space, only 37 are permitted on the trip. Continue reading “7th Grade Social Studies Department Visits the Past”

Stacey’s Choir

Kristen Fernandez and Nikki Do

Choir is a new elective that began this year. Many people do not know much about the class except for those who are in it. This class brought forth 30 kids that were excited to share their talents. Taman Tran, an eighth grader in choir, says, “I like choir because I get to sing… out of all the electives, it’s the most fun part of the day.” Continue reading “Stacey’s Choir”

Leadership’s Upcoming Dodgeball Tournament

Leah Kurihara

Stacey Middle School’s Leadership is holding a dodgeball tournament on February 3. It will be held in the multi-purpose room from 1:45 to 3:00 p.m.

Anyone can participate in this tournament as long as they pay the $5 entry fee and a have a team of 6-8 players. The permission slips and participation forms will be in Mr. Yohn’s classroom, G2B. The top three teams will receive prize money. The teams with the best name and the team with the best uniform will get a pizza as well. Continue reading “Leadership’s Upcoming Dodgeball Tournament”

Upcoming Events

Interested in getting more involved at Stacey Middle School? Here are some upcoming events sure to be fun:

Skate Night

On February 9th we have Skate Night from 6:30 to 8:00 at the Fountain Valley Skating Rink

Glowintine Dance

The Glowintine Dance has been moved to Thursday, February 11th due to interfering events. The dance will be held in the cafeteria from  5:30-7:00. Please wear clothes that will make you glow in the black lights such as white or anything neon. Please come and enjoy the dance.


Multi- Cultural Night is being held in the multi-purpose room from 5:30 to 8:30. Come use this opportunity to learn about different cultures.


On Wednesday, February 3rd Stacey’s Leadership is hosting this year’s first dodgeball tournament.  It’s from 2:00 to 3:30 if you would like to take part in this tournament go to Mr.Yohns classroom, G2b, to sign up.

Lawyers in the Making: MORE TEACHERS – Sports!!!

Heather Tran, Kristen Fernandez, and Nikki Do

Ciao! Welcome back, minions! 💆😸 The winner of the last poll was Attack on Titan! In celebration of 2016, we are going to be kicking off the year with yet another teacher’s edition of Lawyers in the Making. This week’s debate will be on SPORTS 🏀⚽🏈⚾🏆. So pull up your gym shorts and put on your Nikes, because we’re about to make a layup.
Continue reading “Lawyers in the Making: MORE TEACHERS – Sports!!!”