Prehistoric Flower Found Preserved in Amber

prehistoric flower

Jennifer Ly

An undiscovered species of flowers dubbed Strychnos electri by Rutgers botanist Lena Struwe has recently been found encased in amber.

According to Eurekalert, Oregon State University entomologist George Poinar had brought back these flowers along with 500 fossils from an amber mine in the Dominican Republic in 1986. Continue reading “Prehistoric Flower Found Preserved in Amber”

Mega Mile

image - Edited

Leandra Gimenez

The Mega Mile is an event that Leadership has done for many years. The goal is to run the mile after school as fast as possible. First, second and third place are given money prizes.

This year the overall first place winner is Jose Macedo, with a mile time of 5:22. In second place is Miguel Sanchez. He finished the mile with a time of 5:59. Third place goes to Zakary VanWaardenburg with a time of 6:01.

In the girls division Jocelynn Timmer won first place, Georgie Kobzeff placed in second, and Nina Wilson got third place.

Good job to everyone who took part in the Mega Mile, and congratulations to everyone who won!

Part Eight to the Harry Potter Book Series

Harry Potter book 8

Samatha Merino

The date is coming closer by day!  Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the play and novel, is set to be a two-part play, whereas the book will be published this summer, as the author of the Harry Potter series – J.K Rowling – announced this on her Pottermore website on Wednesday, February 10th. Continue reading “Part Eight to the Harry Potter Book Series”