The Worst of the Flu is Yet to Come


Oanh Tran

Over the last few weeks, the seasonal flu was spreading widely in three dozen states.  Starting in October, eight children, overall, have died from the flu according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Many students in California, including many Stacey students, along with 36 other states have been impacted by the flu spread.  

What is the flu? The flu is more severe than a common cold and symptoms are usually, fever, sore throat, and body aches.  Children, pregnant women and people over 65 are at risk of being impacted severely from the flu.  The flu, unlike the cold, often comes suddenly. Continue reading “The Worst of the Flu is Yet to Come”

Gender Roles are the Worst Kind of Bread


Delany Powell

The American Association for the Advancement of Science recently opened a study which showed that girls starting at the age of six are less likely to believe that people of their own gender are brilliant, which harkens back many studies from years and years ago.

Back in 2004, the AAAS did a study showing that children are not born with a sense of what is “socially acceptable” for their specific gender. They believe whatever they are told, whether that is to play with dolls or action figures, to wear dresses or pants.

The study and the article along with it say that we shouldn’t teach kids to be close-minded about these things, that kids should be raised to believe they can be whoever they feel is fit. Many students here at Stacey agree. Continue reading “Gender Roles are the Worst Kind of Bread”

The connection between chimeras and humans: How it could help our medical field


Elaine Tong

In recent science news, an experiment injecting human cells into a pig’s embryo, thus creating a chimera human-pig, could be the answer to future lives.  

According to the journal Cell published on January 26, 2017, an experiment took place where embryos were successfully created using the combination of human and pig cells. Within this, organs such as the pancreas, heart, eye, and many others enriched with rat cells were generated. Continue reading “The connection between chimeras and humans: How it could help our medical field”

Musical Mondays


Delaney Powell and Justin Pham

According to Billboard Top 100, this is the hot top ten for the week of January 24, 2017!

Tenth place: “24K Magic” by Bruno Mars. Unfortunately, this song has gone down for the past few weeks making it highly unlikely that this song will move up in the charts

Number nine is “Don’t Wanna Know” by Maroon 5 featuring Kendrick Lamar. This song will most likely be in the same boat as “24K Magic” which means it probably will not be moving up anytime soon.

In eighth place: “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever” by Zayn and Taylor Swift! This song is fairly new, so it’s highly likely that once the movie it was written for is released, it will become more popular. Continue reading “Musical Mondays”

‘Oliver!’ Cast, How’s it going?


Mariah Escatel

With their winter musical ‘Oliver!’ rapidly approaching on February 2nd – 4th, how could the cast and crew of the show not be excited? Some of the ‘Oliver!’ cast and crew were asked how they felt about their show being about less than a week away. Here’s what they had to say:

“Um, I’m pretty excited. It’s gonna be a really good show. Everyone is doing their best,” said eighth-grader Zane Collinsgru, who is Mr. Sowerberry in the musical. Continue reading “‘Oliver!’ Cast, How’s it going?”

Top State Department Officials Fired?


Kenny Tran

On Wednesday, January 25, 2017, the State Department’s entire senior management team resigned unexpectedly. 

Patrick Kennedy, who served for nine years as the undersecretary for management, Assistant Secretaries for Administration and Consular Affairs Joyce Anne Barr and Michele Bond, and Ambassador Gentry Smith, director of the Office for Foreign Mission, left creating quite a disruption at the State Department. Continue reading “Top State Department Officials Fired?”

O´ Trustworthy Rooster


Katelyn Hooker

In Chinese astrology, the zodiac is not just associated with an animal sign, but also one of the five elements. The five elements consist of gold (metal), wood, fire, water, and earth.

For example, this year (2017) is the year of the Fire Rooster. Some famous Fire Roosters are Dawn French, Donny Osmond, Martin Luther King the third, Hans Zimmer, Dolph Lundgren, and Jools Holland.

Both zodiac animals and elements affect the way a person does things or the person’s personality.

The Fire Rooster is said to be trustworthy, with a strong sense of timekeeping and responsibility at work. Continue reading “O´ Trustworthy Rooster”


Denise Mena

Yes, American Sign Language (ASL) is really a language.

Sign language originated in the American School for Deaf in the early 1800’s. Sign language is very important to Deaf people.

Some think deafness is a disability but many deaf people see it as a culture. Many in the Deaf culture, when asked if they’d rather be hearing would say no because being deaf isn’t as bad as people might think.

Ironically 90% deaf people have hearing parents. People are probably thinking, how is that even possible? Well, it usually happens when the child is in the mother’s womb and illness such as rubella and herpes can cause a child to be born deaf.

Also, ototoxic drugs can damage the baby’s hearing system before it’s actually born.

There are anywhere from 250,000 to 500,000 deaf and hearing users of ASL throughout the United States.


Tick Tock


Kelsey Bisetti

Imagine having your entire life ripped from your trembling hands in a matter of minutes. Lives are being destroyed daily because courts aren’t taking the time to process complex immigration cases. Everything about this country seems rushed; cars, businesses, people. But there are certain things we still expect time from, and the judicial system should always be one of them.

In the past twenty years, the number of immigration cases has nearly quintupled– Coming in at half a million cases! And of these five hundred thousand cases, 90% have ended in a deportation order. Continue reading “Tick Tock”

The Hydro Flask – The Story of it All


Katelyn Hooker

Athletes around the world have experienced the cooling taste of whatever beverage they choose in the new Hydro Flask. Stacey students have also jumped on the bandwagon. It is common to see these around our campus.

Still, most students do not know the history behind this refreshing technology. Continue reading “The Hydro Flask – The Story of it All”