Another Earth… Except It’s not Earth

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Elaine Tong

The finding of a planet with an Earth-like air was recently reported by Keele University and Dr. John Southworth’s leading team. This report, posted on April 6, 2017, talked of a planet called GJ 1132b.

GJ 1132b is the first planet discovered to have an atmosphere similar to Earth’s. This contradicts the other record TRAPPIST-1 broke of having the most planets surrounding one star. For more information on TRAPPIST-1 and its stars, visit ( shameless promotion) “Personal Space is No Longer with These Seven Additions.” Continue reading “Another Earth… Except It’s not Earth”

What Even is Broadcast Journalism?

0425171352_HDR-1Mariah Escatel, and Averi Farren

What even is Broadcast Journalism?

Broadcast Journalism is an elective for students at Stacey Middle School. It is for those who have a passion for writing and want to participate as a during school activity.

Isn’t it like, really boring?

On the contrary, the elective is far from boring. Some students describe it as, “A free period” as long as you get your story in.

8th grader Delaney said when asked how she would describe the beloved period, “Umm it’s very open space. We have some interesting conversation. You get the freedom to express what you like in forms of writing. Ms. Walters is a good role model, and she teaches us the proper form for publication writing. ” Continue reading “What Even is Broadcast Journalism?”

Shining A Spotlight On Our New First Lady

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Kelsey Bisetti


Let’s face it, at least two-thirds of the headlines today revolve around Donald Trump, but very rarely do we hear about his wife, Melania Trump.

On March 29, the first lady made a rare public appearance at the 2017 Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Awards. This award honors women across the globe for their bravery in overcoming personal attacks, gender bias, or domestic violence. These women then went on to change their society in unbelievable ways.

Melania personally distributed the twelve awards, insisting all the while that, “. . . their lives remind us of the boundless capacity of the human spirit when guided by moral clarity and desire to do good.” Continue reading “Shining A Spotlight On Our New First Lady”

Spring Break: A Fancy Term Meaning, No School!

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Mariah Escatel

Spring break is just seven days away. Let the countdown begin!

But guess what? Spring break will not only be its usual one-week long break, it will be a week and two days. To be technical, spring break is only one week and one day long. The extra day students will receive off is a professional development day.

In total, the school will be closed on Thursday, April 13th, until Friday, April 21st.

Students take this time to have fun and spend quality time with family and friends! And if you have any missing work, you have plenty of time to get it done.

The Wiretapping Controversy

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Kenny Tran

Wiretapping, what is it? Wiretapping is the practice of connecting a listening device to a telephone line to secretly monitor a conversation.

On March 4, 2017, Trump accused former President Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower. Trump tweeted on Twitter, “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” Donald Trump also called Obama a “sick/ bad guy.”

White House Secretary Sean Spicer stated this about Donald Trump’s tweet, “I think there’s no question that the Obama administration, that there were actions about surveillance and other activities that occurred in the 2016 election,” Spicer said. “The President used the word wiretaps in quotes to mean, broadly, surveillance and other activities.” Continue reading “The Wiretapping Controversy”

Journalism: Come join us!


Mika Mendoza

Stacey Middle School 2016-17 Journalism class is full of interesting kids. Sadly, some of our writers are going away for high school next year. So this little write up is to inform as to why should join journalism next year.

“Journalism is fun,” says eighth-grader Justin Pham.

Another eighth-grade journalism staff member, Delaney Powell says, “I think journalism is pretty darn cool.”

Overall, Journalism has had a really good run this year, but without our 8th graders class will be smaller. So, the current journalism members would love if more students would sign up for journalism next year. It does not require an expert writing ability. Everyone has something to contribute.

Ms. Walters is a helpful and cheerful teacher. She says, “Journalism? I love journalism, I have the best students ever.”

Running Team: Meet

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Oanh Tran

Stacey’s running team will be having a meet this Saturday, April 8th, located at Tustin high school to compete against other schools.  There will be six students from Stacey running team who will be challenged to run either the 100, 200, 300, 400-meter dash or the full mile.  

The running team has been practicing three days a week, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays with supervision and coaching of Mr.Yohn.

“The event will start from 8:00 am and end at 1:00 pm,” states Mr. Yohn.

The students will be running against other middle schoolers their age, and, hopefully, will bring home the win!

Gender Equality

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Jordyn Russell and Delaney Powell

Globally, one in three women experiences gender-based violence in her lifetime. One in three.

Although there is solid evidence proving gender inequality, it is still an issue many refuse to believe.

In a previous article, “Gender Rolls, the Worst Kind of Bread,” written on this topic, many interesting comments were prompted about sexism. The article featured a few of the school’s feminists. It also featured an anonymous contributor who had strong opinions on the subject. Continue reading “Gender Equality”