What in Tarnation is this Thing?!

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Brian Lam

The devastating 2017, category-3 Atlantic hurricane, notoriously known as Hurricane Harvey, brought many sorrows to the Southern and Eastern parts of the United States. Although destructive and costly requiring tens of billions of dollars for the area to recover, the hurricane also brought many mysteries. 

One of these involves a dead aquatic creature that washed up on the shores of Texas. Social media blew up with pictures of this sharp-fanged creature lying dead on the shores of Texas City, Texas.

While walking along the deserted beaches of Texas City, Preeti Desai encountered what to her looked like a large, dead rat. Curiously, she walked up to the mysterious creature only to figure out it was the carcass of a dead animal she was unfamiliar with.  Continue reading “What in Tarnation is this Thing?!”

Bullying Needs To End . . . Now!!


Gavin Mercado 

I don’t know about you, but it seems there has been a lot of bullying recently. We interviewed various Stacey students and teachers to see what they think about bullying in the video above. Remember, if you are being bullied, please let Mrs. Mondt or Mrs. DeBritton know.

Stacey is a school or respect, right? Respect yourself, property, learning, and of course others! Everyone has a friend or a best friend, and we treat them with love and respect. Everyone should be treated with love and respect.

Many kids are put down by their peers because of their race, looks, voice, and even for being smart. Why can’t we just love everyone?  Many kids get called nerds or dweebs because of what they can’t do but also what they can. Continue reading “Bullying Needs To End . . . Now!!”

NJHS is Here!

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Katie Mills

Hey, Stacey Cougars!

If you have scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship, then you may want to consider trying NJHS! NJHS is the nation’s premier organizations established to recognize outstanding middle-level students. More than just an honor roll, NJHS serve to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character and Citizenship for NJHS.

To join, bring a report card from last year, and a 3.2-grade point average is required. 6th or 7th graders are not eligible until 2nd trimester Have a parent sign the permission slip, and make sure to bring a $6 donation—it is a requirement! On the report card, a student cannot have any N’s or U’s. Continue reading “NJHS is Here!”

What’s Going On In Staconia?

Kelsey Bisetti and Alyssa Manson

Hello Stacey Cougars! Shake the sleep out of your eyes and get ready to endure the week.

Who’s ready to forget about school for a while? Well, you’re in luck. Wednesday, after school, the annual Back To School dance will be in full swing. Get ready to spend the afternoon dancing like a squirrel on caffeine and making fun of T-Swift’s new single.

Mrs. Gates recently hosted a meeting for all those looking to join NJHS. If, for some reason, you couldn’t attend, be sure to stop by her classroom as soon as possible to pick up a sign-up sheet. Continue reading “What’s Going On In Staconia?”

Mason Creyaufmiller

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Gwyndalynn Kent and Alyssa Manson

Mason Creyaufmiller is an astonishing eighth-grade student here at Stacey Middle School. Mason is really into theatre arts, so he loves watching musicals, traveling, and singing. He adores performing with his theatre group.  So, it is no surprise his summer was full of spectacular events related to his passion.

Mason is really into musicals, which includes watching them and even performing in some of them with his theatre group.  His mom states, “My son is a musical theatre kid, so he has been performing in musical theatre since he was seven and just recently turned thirteen.” 

Mason traveled to three different places over the summer, New York, Iceland, and Gander. The reason he traveled to New York was so he could go see the musical’s Hamilton and Come From AwayOut of all the musicals Mason has seen, his favorite one was Come From Away, which is based on a true story about the Federal Aviation Administration shut down of American Airspace on September 11th, where thousands of passengers were diverted to an Airport in Gander, Newfoundland.  Continue reading “Mason Creyaufmiller”

Advanced Art: Their Life Vision


Gwyndalynn Kent


Advanced Art students must be having loads of fun working on this awesome assignment that Ms. Karsh has given them.

For this assignment, they are making a vision board that represents them and their goals. They are to create a collage poster that depicts their vision of their life. This project is meant to be an inspiration to illustrate meaningful choices that reflect the goals you aim to reach in creating your future. 

Their final presentation will include a contoured silhouette of their face and a background poster with collaged images and words that illustrate their passions and interests. This assignment will help them explore who they are and who they want to be. Continue reading “Advanced Art: Their Life Vision”

Meet Miss Watson!

Alyssa Manson

Meet our new teacher here at Stacey, Miss Watson, or her full name, Miss Alisa Watson! Now, let’s get the pronunciation right. You pronounce it like so; ah- lee-sah. Her name is often mispronounced, for some say her name how you would pronounce the name Alissa. Incorrect! Besides the point.

Miss Watson is, believe it or not, the youngest teacher in the school district! She is only twenty-seven years old. Miss Watson has been teaching for two years. Before deciding to finalize her decision on becoming a teacher, she was contemplating becoming a museum creator. Of course, we are all thankful that she chose to be a teacher.

Previously before becoming a social studies teacher here at Stacey, she used to be an English and History teacher at Johnson Middle School. Continue reading “Meet Miss Watson!”

A Walk Towards the Future

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Avi Walton

Not too far from here, only a walking distance away, is the Goldenwest Community College. This is where our very own AVID program plans on taking a field trip. They are hoping for the chance to learn about what it would take to get into community college, and how to get through community college to a University.

Tuesday, October 10th, the AVID group will take a walking trip to Golden West College. It will be good for the students to see firsthand what college is like, and the tour will hopefully make the idea real to them.

Mrs.Valverde, an AVID teacher here at Stacey, believes that knowing ahead of time how to plan for the future is important. She says, “A dream without a plan, is just a wish.” Continue reading “A Walk Towards the Future”

The Myth of the Dancing Zombie Teacher

image1Ashley Wolf

Is there a teacher that is a world traveler, dancer, and a zombie? Yes, and her name is Mrs. Valverde, our school’s Spanish teacher! Don’t worry, she isn’t a real zombie, but she played one on a zombie show. And that isn’t even the start of the crazy things she has done.

She has been to multiple countries including Egypt, Germany, Poland, Holland, and even a couple more. Even after going to all these places, she still really wants to go to Greece.

One of her favorite places in the whole world is, of course, her hometown of Westminster. Her family has lived here for a long time, even her great-grandparents lived here. She loves her community and is very involved. Continue reading “The Myth of the Dancing Zombie Teacher”

Construction Crazy Stacey!

IMG_5821.JPGMadelyn Fracassa

Boom! Pow! Bang! Do you ever hear these noises during class? Do you ever see construction workers walking around outside of campus? Most importantly, do you see our brand new gymnasium being built? 

If you have or haven’t heard the news yet, you’re in luck because here’s the juice from Stacey Middle’s very own principal Mrs. DeBritton.

Mrs. DeBritton has been a principal at Stacey for six years now, and she will be the first principal to have students use the gym at Stacey. The gym construction started in the “last year at the end of December, beginning of January…” stated Mrs. DeBritton. “The construction is slated to be done by the end of February, beginning of March, but construction always takes longer than expected.”   Continue reading “Construction Crazy Stacey!”