Volleyball Loss?

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Caitlyn Timmons

Stacey who? Stacey Middle school played a volleyball game against Johnson Middle School on Thursday, January 25th. Although they played strong and fought really hard, we did end up losing, with both the girls’ and the boys’ teams.

“The fat L we took yesterday was very heartbreaking and I felt kind of sad, but then I was like eh, you know two L’s make a dub,” says Yasmin Lacerda, 8th grader.

“I feel alright, I mean I’m disappointed in my team but we got some improvement. A lot of us were hurt, though so….. Next week come to our game!” says Honey Nguyen, 8th grader on the volleyball team. Continue reading “Volleyball Loss?”

Story Contest

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Mia Grasse

Stacey’s Broadcast Journalism team wants to see how good of a writer you are. Starting Wednesday, January 31, enter Journalism’s writing contest for a chance to get published in the Cougar Chronicle and get an award on stage at one of our Cougar Pride assemblies. Stacey’s Broadcast Journalism team will be picking a winner from each grade.

What will we be writing about?

Well, the journalism crew voted, and the genre of the stories will be action and adventure. Create your own characters, character struggles, and plots. The journalism students want to be able to read a fun and creative story made by some of the best writers at Stacey.

Here are the criteria for your story:

  • Heading must have your full name (Last, First) and grade level
  • Must be written by only one person
  • Must have a genre of action and adventure
  • Minimum of 500 words and maximum of 1000 words
  • Must be turned in to B-3 by February 14th

Remember to be creative. Continue reading “Story Contest”

Super Bowl Poll!

Mariah Escatel

The time is near! Whether you watch for the amazing halftime show or the game, you’re bound to hear chatter about the Super Bowl.

The 2018 Super Bowl game lands on February 4th. The game is at 3:30, and you can watch the came on NBC.

This year Justin Timberlake will be performing the halftime show, so tune in!

The two teams going against each other are the Eagles and the Patriots. But the big question is, who are YOU rooting for?

If you think neither should be in the game tell us in the comments below!

Dif-Eye-ing Eye Colors – Poll

eye color

Averi Farren

Here at Stacey Middle School, we have 935 students. If you multiply that by two you would get roughly 1,870 pairs of eyes here at Stacey. Everyone hears this quote all the time, “No one’s the same, everyone is unique.” but when it comes to eyes is that true? Are each pair of eyes unique in their own way?

Yes, it is true. Eyes are very unique. No two eyes have exactly the same iris patterns. Look in the mirror at both of your eyes. Just like fingerprints, identical twins don’t share the same iris swirls and patterns, so each of their irises is also unique. The irises in both of these eyes are unique from the others.

The color in your eye is the result of variations in the amount of melanin, a pigment found in the front part of the iris of the eye.

The lack of this pigment results in blue eyes, some pigment gives green and lots of pigment gives brown eyes. So light brown eyes just have a bit less melanin than darker brown eyes. Continue reading “Dif-Eye-ing Eye Colors – Poll”

Hearthstone Championship Tour! Who Will Win?

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Kevin Luu

The Hearthstone World Championship is the largest Hearthstone tournament in the world, where the sixteen best players from around the world compete for glory, $1 million prize pool, and the title of World Champion. They will meet up in California at BlizzCon.

For those of you who don’t know what Hearthstone is, it is a collectible card game against other players online. It is a 1v1 type of game. As you climb up the ranks, it will be more challenging, but you will get new cards to win against your opponents.

The money will be distributed as follows: 1st place gets $250,000. 2nd place gets $150,000. 3rd and 4th gets $100,000, 5th-8th gets $50,000. 9th – 16th gets $25,000. People from around the world get to watch it personally or online. Continue reading “Hearthstone Championship Tour! Who Will Win?”

National Freedom Day!


Katie Mills

National Freedom Day is on February 1st. Many people may not understand what National Freedom Day is, so what is it really about?

What is National Freedom Day?

National Freedom Day is the honoring of the signing of a resolution that proposed the 13th amendment of the nation’s constitution on February 1, 1865. Abraham Lincoln signed the resolution to outlaw slavery and was endorsed on December 18, 1865. This anniversary is annually celebrated on February 1.

“Major Richard Robert Wright Senior, a former slave who founded the National Freedom Day Association, played a crucial role in creating the observance. Major Wright was deemed as a community leader in Philadelphia and was active in education, the media, business, and politics. He hoped to see a day that would be dedicated to celebrating freedom for all Americans. Continue reading “National Freedom Day!”

Barbie: Average?

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Caitlyn Timmons

Mattel, a toy company, has been praised for the release of three new Barbie dolls- curvy, petite, and tall. The new dolls have been released in the US, but how close do they come to representing the average young woman?

Say the word “Barbie,” and you will probably imagine a thin doll with perfectly done makeup, long blonde hair, and little pink clothes. This is the image that little girls intend to see themselves as, ‘perfect’ or ‘beautiful.’ Is this what we want kids thinking as beautiful?

“Well, with the old Barbies, being a brunette, it was really hard to find a brunette Barbie. I mean there was always one, the Theresa Barbie, and I have like seven of those because I thought that they looked like me because it had brown hair, but realistically it never did look like me, and it made me have like bad body image thoughts like that’s what a girl should have looked like and that I needed to lose weight being a fourth-grader,” says Mariah Escatel, eighth-grader. Continue reading “Barbie: Average?”

Whatever you are, be a good one -Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

Mariah Escatel

Would you feel bad if nobody celebrated your birthday? Well, Abraham Lincoln’s birthday is rapidly approaching.

February 12 we are honoring his birthday, as it is a nationally celebrated holiday.

“Whatever you are, be a good one,” is a quote by Abraham Lincoln. Cleary he followed his own advice and was a prominent 16th president of the United States.

Imagine you would be able to see Abraham in person, what would you tell him?

I asked and got some great responses. Engy Azer, an eighth-grader at Stacey would tell Abe, “I like your hat. It’s really nice.” Continue reading “Whatever you are, be a good one -Abraham Lincoln”

National Bubble Wrap Day? – Poll

Avalyn Walton

We humans come up with some truly amazing things to celebrate, and all of them are completely necessary to everyone. I mean, coming up soon National Bubble Wrap Day on January 29th. And naturally, I’m sure we all celebrate it; I mean how could we not? Holidays like that are my reason for waking up in the morning. They are just so important and not un-necessary at all!

But seriously, why does this exist? I don’t know a single person who will come up to me on the 29th and ask me how I plan on celebrating National Bubble Wrap Day.

That’s not where it ends either, January 27th is National Chocolate Cake Day. I know I won’t be celebrating, but will the majority of people want to? Fill out the poll below to let us know whether or not you enjoy these seemingly useless holidays. Continue reading “National Bubble Wrap Day? – Poll”

8th Grade Parent & Student Night at WHS

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Katie Mills

If you are going to Westminster High School this one is for you!

Please join the informational meeting regarding Westminster High School (WHS) Registration for incoming freshmen students.

This meeting will focus specifically on the high school curriculum and the registration process. There will be information about WHS’s many outstanding programs designed to help students prepare for college with be presented at this event – M.E.R.I.T.S., AVID, Health Academy, and more. Continue reading “8th Grade Parent & Student Night at WHS”