What is the Illuminati? A Triangle of Hope, or Something More Sinister?

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Gavin Mercado

Ah yes, we all know of the very famous internet meme. The Illuminati crushed other memes and was popular for a whopping two years! Even Taco Bell featured the Illuminati on their commercial for a triangular shaped treat.

Now, some may be wondering, how was this whole Illuminati thing started? Well, in 1776 Bavarian Illuminati started his self-titled “secret society organization” In the 19th and 20th century, the Illuminati vanished never to be seen again until, well, pretty recent actually.

With the rise of internet memes like Pepe, the Illuminati was rediscovered and became popular. Many believe that there are members of the Illuminati today. Also, many others think the government may be involved. Continue reading “What is the Illuminati? A Triangle of Hope, or Something More Sinister?”

Silly Holidays You Didn’t Know About


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Madelyn Fracassa

Everyone knows Thanksgiving, the Fourth of July, Halloween, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Valentine’s Day. Those are all very well known and recognized holidays, but did you know this is a holiday for celebrating pizza, pets, chili, pigs, left-handed people, and so much more.

January 6th is National Bean Day, so go get some beans to cook. January 21st is National Hugging day, so grab a friend and give them a big hug.

February 4th is Thank a Mailman Day, February 10th is National Umbrella day, and February 27th is National Polar Bear Day.

National Earmuff Day falls on March 13th and on March 23rd, it’s puppy day. March 23rd is also Chip and Dip Day. Continue reading “Silly Holidays You Didn’t Know About”

YouTuber of the Week: Geography Now!


Gavin Mercado

Welcome back to another YouTuber of the Week! This week’s YouTuber is Geography Now! requested by Andy.

Geography Now! is a YouTuber who obviously talks about geography. This channel has a male host, and in every episode, he talks about different countries.

He talks briefly about the country’s culture. Then, he goes on to show where it is located, such as the continent, where it lies in relation to the equator, and what surrounds it. Continue reading “YouTuber of the Week: Geography Now!”

What is the Walkout?

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Mia Grasse

The shooting in Parkland Florida was a terrifying, devastating event. Some students lost their friends. Others lost teachers and staff. Time.com says, “The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida last week left 17 students and staff dead — and replaced the 1999 Columbine High School massacre as the deadliest high school shooting in America.” The students, parents, teachers, and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school have had enough. In the shooting, seventeen victims died, and fourteen were injured. Five out of the fourteen injured were left with life-threatening injuries. Continue reading “What is the Walkout?”

Stacey Safety

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Juneau Resnick and Alyssa Manson

At this point, it’s been all over the news, the Parkland Florida high school shooting. This article is not here to tell you any more details about this incident because there has already been plenty written. It’s here to let you know how we are prepared at Stacey for such a hopefully unlikely event.

We interviewed Mrs.DeBritton and spoke of the precautions she and the rest of the district have put in place in the past that will prevent that situation from happening here.

The point being, Stacey is extremely safe, which is good. But how do we make sure it stays that way? Small things can be done to prevent horrific events like what happened at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The district will have to consider adding any additional safety procedures such as metal detectors.  Continue reading “Stacey Safety”

New Disneyland Paris Rides??

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Kevin Luu

Disneyland Paris revealed that they were going to build a new land that included the Marvel Superheroes in summer 2018. It will introduce new Marvel-themed attractions. The news came from Chairman Bob Chapek during the D23 Expo in Tokyo, Japan. Concept art of one of the new attractions is shown above.

The announcement made the more than 2000 fans the first to hear about the latest projects in development for Disney guests all over the world, including those for Disneyland Paris. The new development will be built on the resort’s 25th Anniversary celebration.

It follows the recent news that Walt Disney Parks and Resorts are preparing to incorporate more popular stories and characters into Europe’s top tourist destination, giving Disneyland Paris guests even more entertainment experiences and attractions. “I’m excited for them and I wish that Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters here in California could be re-themed into that new Ant-Man ride. I am so excited. I am definitely going to go to Paris shortly after those rides open,” stated Gavin Mercado. Continue reading “New Disneyland Paris Rides??”


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Madelyn Fracassa

There are so many different songs about so many different things, like heartbreak, hard times, and so much more.

Have you ever heard the song “Praying?” The song “Praying,” is by Kesha and is about her experience with abusive producer and how she has overcome that point in her life.

She performed this song at the 2018 Grammys with many other singers. “Kesha tweeted on Saturday, January 27, that she is ‘nervous’ to perform her hit single, ‘Praying’ at the 2018 Grammys,” stated Us Magazine. This situation was a very traumatic thing for Kesha and after her performance at the Grammys, she starting breaking down into tears on stage. All the other performers swarmed her in a big hug to comfort her. Continue reading ““Praying””

Come Join Youth Volleyball!

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Katie Mills

USYVL presents Youth Volleyball at Fountain Valley & Huntington Beach! Come and have fun outside and play volleyball with your friends, and even make new friends.

Fountain Valley Sports Park

Starts Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tuesdays 6:00 – 7:00 PM and

Saturdays 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Huntington Central Sports Complex

Starts Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesdays 6:00 – 7:00 PM and

Saturdays 9:00 – 10:00 AM Continue reading “Come Join Youth Volleyball!”

Big Brother: Celebrity Edition

Gwyndalynn Kent

For people who don’t know what Big Brother is, it is a show in which about twelve people enter a house for a certain amount of days. There are different challenges that they face set up to determine the Head of Household and the Power of Veto.

The Head of Household Competition determines who will be in charge of most everything around the house including the elimination. Each week there will be an HOH (Head of Household) Competition in which everyone competes to win except the most recent HOH. The winner of this competition will be given a key that unlocks a master bedroom and gives them the power to put two people up for elimination.

Just a few days later, just before the elimination ceremony, they hold another competition game called the POV or Power of Veto. Right before this competition, six people get chosen to compete, the two nominees, the HOH, and three other people that are randomly chosen. The winner of the Power of Veto gets the power to take one of the nominees off and the HOH has to choose a new nominee. The only twist is that they don’t have to use it if they don’t want to. Continue reading “Big Brother: Celebrity Edition”

How Do We Do The Announcements!

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Gwyndalynn Kent

Every morning, Tuesday through Friday, Journalism students do the morning announcements on the loudspeakers. This week though, you’ll learn how Ashley Wolf, Mia Grasse, and Gwyndalynn Kent do the announcements.

The three girls always do the announcements on Wednesday’s and Friday’s. To do the announcements they follow just a couple really simple steps to make sure they don’t mess up and so all students can understand clearly what they say (even though they do still mess up sometimes). Continue reading “How Do We Do The Announcements!”