The Aftermath of the Winds

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Gwyndalynn Kent

When the time comes, the same every year, the Santa Ana winds blow in and bust up a firestorm. This year that has been exactly what they did with what is known as the Woolsey fire in LA county.

The Woolsey fire was quoted as “the worst wildfire in its modern history” by mainly due to the fact that it killed three people and has burned over 96,949 acres. The dense smoke it produced is known to be the dirtiest air in the world. The fire destroyed many homes and building its path.

Luckily, for all of the people that were evacuated, the Woolsey fire was, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, 100 percent contained on Wednesday, Nov. 15, and since then, loads of families have been able to go back to their homes.

It’s hard to imagine that some silly little winds could cause so much damage, but after this fire, and several more that happened this year, people will be taking the Santa Ana winds a little more seriously next year after seeing all of this horrible damage.

 Is it Necessary to Have a Club About Women Empowerment

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Disclaimer: This is an editorial/op-ed and therefore the writer’s opinion. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Stacey Middle School, The Cougar Chronicle, or its editors.

Dylan Weber

Everyone knows about Girls Inc, the frivolous program where it’s main purpose is to empower women and ensure they have a happy and successful life. But is it necessary? No, it’s not; and here’s why.

During PE on multiple occasions, girls are invited to a meeting where women discuss matters and the oppression of women in America. This is absolutely ridiculous. The people who run the program seem to think that women in America are oppressed in some shape or form. “Focusing on the whole girl”, is a quote that comes directly from their website. This entails only what can be assumed as the notion of girls not being whole in this society.

Other points are made as “96% of Girls Inc. girls feel pregnancy would interfere with their schoolwork”. Oh man, how surprising is that? That’s not a Girl’s Inc idea, that’s an all-girls’ idea. Most girls, regardless of whether they are in Girls Inc or not, are aware that teen pregnancy is horrible. Also, why is the number not 100? If you’re going to take pride in the number of girls you’ve “convinced” to stay pregnancy-free, maybe you should make sure you’ve actually done some convincing first.   Continue reading ” Is it Necessary to Have a Club About Women Empowerment”

Too Many Toys

Madison Evans

This year, many toys are being purchased for Christmas. These include LOL Surprises, Pomsies, FurReal Dino Munchin’ Rex, and much much more. Many of these toys are the hot, new thing for children that live all around the world.

LOL Surprises are dolls that kids aged around four to eight enjoy. They are a small ball with a doll and accessories inside, wrapped with a plastic wrap that is decorated to appeal to the eye. Inside, there is a doll with things like dresses, hats, bows, shoes, and much more. There are LOL pets, Little Sisters, Big Sisters, and more. With LOL standing for Little Outrageous Littles, they are tiny and can easily get lost. With the largest LOL Surprise pack, they can cost up to $69.99.

After getting the theme song stuck in people’s heads from seeing it in many commercials, “Pomsies” will have kids asking their parents for one; a furry toy cat that is a small ball of fur with a long tail that grasps its owner’s arm while they hold it. Over the past few months, though, they have quickly escalated to more than cats- unicorns, dragons, koalas, and even glow in the dark. Kids today are obsessing over the cute, small furballs, as everyone can clearly see in the commercials. Continue reading “Too Many Toys”

Stan Lee’s Death

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Annabelle Lona

Someone has passed recently who have affected many of our lives. He was the editor of Marvel and was labeled as everyone’s real-life superhero.

Stan Lee was born on December 28th, 1922 in Manhattan, New York City. In 2006, he said as a child he was influenced by books and movies, particularly with Errol Flynn playing heroic roles.

His revolution extended beyond comics and storylines to the way in which he engaged his readership and built a sense of community between fans and creators.

After graduating early from high school, he joined the WPA Federal Theatre Project and was hired as an assistant at the new Timely Comics in 1939. Continue reading “Stan Lee’s Death”

Let’s Get Rid Of The Mess That Is Stress

0523180835-1Avi Walton

Simple stress is something that everyone has faced or will face at some point or another. It’s everywhere. From a student’s grades and homework to a parents bill’s to the crazy politics of the world we all face, stress is a normal thing to feel. However, if your life is full to the brim with stress and anxiety, it might be time to learn some coping mechanisms.

I, unfortunately, know that many of those who face daily stress and anxiety have tried to fix it and come up short; that’s okay. Many, if not most, of your attempts to lift stress from your shoulders, will fail. It’s unrealistic to expect every one of these tactics to work for every person. However, it’s always worth a try. Here are a few ways to lessen stress and anxiety. Continue reading “Let’s Get Rid Of The Mess That Is Stress”

Mr. Yohn Conspiracy Theories

Gavin Mercado, Grace Baer, and Annabelle Lona

Everybody knows Mr. Yohn as a friendly social studies teacher to eighth graders all over Stacey, but is he who we think he is? Does Mr. Yohn really have a wife, is he a part of the Illuminati, is he really able to run? Let’s find out…

Is Mr. Yohn Part of the Illuminati?:

It may seem obvious when asking if Mr. Yohn is in the Illuminati. There are many sources that the journalism investigative team consisting of Gavin Mercado, Grace Baer, and Annabelle Lona have found.

Mr. Yohn is found in multiple websites listed here:

There is much more where this comes from. He is seen battling the supreme courts in Washington D.C. How could a simple middle school teacher get this far? When did he go there? Continue reading “Mr. Yohn Conspiracy Theories”

Should There be More Thanksgiving Break Debate

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Jolie Phan

While we are aware that Thanksgiving has passed, it is always worth discussing making our breaks from school longer, right? So here goes.

Thanksgiving is the best time of year to spend with families and friends. Cooking that golden turkey in the oven. It’s smell soaring through the air, flying with the birds. Students come home and get a week off from school to see their families. But what if that break could expand?

Many students would like the idea of getting a longer Thanksgiving break. Like Bradley Tran, Christopher Pedroza, Michelle Trihn, Keira Uyehara, and Lalla Amin. Bradley thinks that we should have a longer break since we have nine months of school. Christopher wants to have more time to bond and spend with family over a longer period of time. Keira and Lalla want to study and read during the break and have time to see their family. The rest want to see the rest of their families and relax. The main thing about Thanksgiving is to see relatives and enjoy that long-lasting break. Continue reading “Should There be More Thanksgiving Break Debate”

Behind the Scenes- One Starry Night

Screenshot 2018-12-12 at 10.10.53 AM.pngMadison Evans and Jolie Phan

One Starry Night, hosted by Ms. Thach, Mrs. Ortega, Mrs. Valverde, and the students from AVID is upon us. They have been preparing for the December 12th  spectacular. An inside look of the dance will definitely show everyone how much work and time has gone into it.

AVID kids have been running around and helping Ms. Thach prepare for the spectacular night and getting some last-minute things done for the dance. (Ms. Thach doesn’t like when students do things at the last minute) “AVID is always busy…go go go!” says Ms. Thach.Ms. Thach claims that the AVID kids are 100% involved in the dance and that the teachers are only there to supervise. Continue reading “Behind the Scenes- One Starry Night”

Should Schools Arm Teachers?

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Savannah McVey

Just in 2017 alone, 65 shootings were reported on school campuses. These incidents have caused many deaths and are some of the most heartbreaking occurrences ever. Students go to school every day with the thought in the back of their mind that there’s a possibility of a shooting occurrence. Parents have similar fear no matter what school they have their child attend. How could we stop the violence and fear?

One solution has been suggested, arming K-12 teachers. Teachers could have protection in the case of emergency. In February 2018, Donald Trump tweeted his support to the topic, “Armed educators (and trusted people who work within a school) love our students and will protect them. Very smart people. Must be firearms adept & have annual training. Should get a yearly bonus. Shootings will not happen again–a big & very inexpensive deterrent. Up to States.” Continue reading “Should Schools Arm Teachers?”

The Uplifting Ukulele Club

Screenshot 2018-12-12 at 8.52.50 AM.pngMadison Evans

Ukulele Club is a club that calms your senses while playing beautiful music, taught to you by one of Stacey’s physical education teachers. Mr. Thorsen has been playing the ukulele for many years, and he has an amazing story to tell how it all started for him.

It all started with Mr. Thorsen when he was eight years old when the librarian at his school gave him a box of old and broken ukuleles that he “glued back together and started to teach others.” Mr. Thorsen then started teaching students and his own children as he got older. Mr. Thorsen still loves to play his ukuleles on his lānai, which is Hawaiian for “deck,” or “balcony,” at his house in Hawaii. He finds the ukulele a very relaxing instrument to play; especially when he’s teaching others. Continue reading “The Uplifting Ukulele Club”