Take A Flight With Peter Pan

Avalyn Walton

Let’s venture to the second star to the right, and straight on ‘til morning! This week, come immerse yourself into the world of lost boys, pirates, fairies, the Darling family, and Peter Pan.

The story of Peter Pan is that of a boy who flies into the Darling nursery one night and takes the children far away to Neverland on the adventure of a lifetime. West Arts Productions is on a mission to make this story come to life.

The shows will be this Thursday, January 31st, Friday, February 1st, Thursday, February 7th, and Friday, February 8th. All shows will begin at 7 pm, with a quick West Arts Performance Ensemble performance before the show.

Admission will be $10 for adults and $8 for children and seniors. Seating is assigned so you may want to get their early, or order your ticket online. To do this, or just to find more information, visit Westartsproductions.com.

The show will be located here, at Stacey Middle School. To see the show, go to the Multi-Purpose Room and receive your ticket in the foyer.

Overall, this show is not one you’ll want to miss. For a fun adventure into Neverland, see Peter Pan Jr.

January National Days 2019

screenshot-docs.google.com-2019.01.30-13-08-27Kirra Kirby

2019, a fresh new year for people to start all over again with new hopes and dreams. The national days of our year giving us fun reminders about the things we love like ice cream, dogs, and Tasmanian devils. Since there are more than 60 national days in January the rest will be listed below starting from this Saturday, January 11th, 2018.

First up on January 11th is National Arkansas Day, National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, National Milk Day, and National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day. Next on January 12th- Kiss a Ginger Day, National Curried Chicken Day, National Marzipan Day, National Pharmacist Day, and National Vision Board Day. On Sunday, January 13th- Korean American Day, National Cocktail Week, National Peach Melba day, and National Rubber Ducky Day. Then on January 14th-National Clean Off Your Desk Day, National Dress up Your Pet Day, National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day, and Ratification Day January 15th is National Hat Day, and National Strawberry Ice Cream Day. Even though everyone should be thrilled for strawberry ice cream, a recent study in 2017 found that America’s favorite ice cream flavor is cookies and cream. Continue reading “January National Days 2019”

Is ¨Dragon’s Breath¨ Really Safe to Consume?

Gavin Mercado

Recently, another food trend has surfaced and people – kids, teens, and even adults have been raving all about it. The popular food item titled, ¨Dragon’s Breath¨ or in some places ¨Snowballs¨ has been causing people to search all over to try the delicious treat.

Now, what is this trendy treat? Dragon´s Breath is rice cereal balls dipped into liquid nitrogen, which is indeed the coldest substance on earth. The liquid nitrogen causes the cereal balls to instantly freeze and this makes a cold ¨smoke,¨ if you will, arise from the cereal puffs.

When hearing about this trend, I knew I had to try it. On Sunday, I decided to visit ¨I Am¨ (#NotSponsored) in the Anaheim Packing District. This little snack place has very trendy desserts that everyone would enjoy like Korean shaved ice, smoothies, and of course, Dragon´s Breath. Continue reading “Is ¨Dragon’s Breath¨ Really Safe to Consume?”

Mr. Woodruff Conspiracy Theories

Now, we all know Mr. Woodruff as a fun, enthusiastic band teacher who plays music for the sake of music. However, is there more to him than being just a simple band teacher? What the Journalism Investigative Team has uncovered is simply shocking.

Does Mr. Woodruff Control Gravity?:

Mr. Woodruff has made plenty of jokes in the past about nothing other than gravity. Whenever he drops something or something falls, he always tends to blame gravity. However, is this more than just some frivolous joke?

When in Mr. Woodruff´s band classes, many students noticed than random items just randomly fall, even when they are perfectly balanced on top of a table. Mr. Woodruff may be controlling gravity to specifically make these jokes. Is it all coming together now? We thought so. Continue reading “Mr. Woodruff Conspiracy Theories”

William Owens the Man Shot by the Police

Jolie Phan

Birchcreek Road in Logan Township, New Jersey, a township of 6,000 people. On a tragic Monday, around 9 AM, on Birchcreek Road in Logan Township, an armed man, angry at his ex-girlfriend was filled with rage and frustration. In a building, located in south New Jersey, he was shooting in the air.

While at it, he also freed two hostages, one of them was his ex-girlfriend. A thirty-nine-year-old man was the one to blame. William Owens. He didn’t work for that company the co-worker worked at but worked near there. Police grabbed witnesses for an interview of what happened on January 14.

One of those witnesses is Ashlee Erickson. As she was heading for her shift, she was seven cop cars and people getting out of the building. People were leaving because they heard gunshots, but Erickson didn’t hear them. In the 6 ABC interview, Erickson said, “From what I understand it was someone who did not work there that was having a confrontation with their significant other.” She continued, “Then there was a massive police presence as soon as we were walking out of the building. There were a good ten cop cars. They all had their guns drawn out heading toward the main entrance of the building.” Continue reading “William Owens the Man Shot by the Police”

Creative Writing Contest 2019

Are you creative? Do you like to write? Submit a creative writing piece, and if you win you will get a prize. There will only be one winner. Your piece can be a poem, a short story or a part of a short story if it is too long. (Please note that we will use a plagiarism checker!)


  • Minimum of 250 Words
  • Maximum of  5 pages
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font Size: 12
  • Double Spaced
  • Prompt: ANYTHING! Use Your Imagination To The Fullest!

The Submission Is Due February 13th.

Ready To Begin? Fill Out The Form Here!:


Global Warming Is NOT A Fraud!

Gavin Mercado

There is something that the world has been steaming about in controversy recently. That’s right, I´m talking about global warming.

Now, President Trump has been quoted multiple times on saying ¨global warming is a fraud.¨ I would like to ask, well, how? Trump claims that scientists are lying about this to gain political interest. However, I would like to ask, how is this fake?:

This is a prime example of indirect animal cruelty. The people who have sponsored Trump’s for presidency support this. They support deaths of countless numbers of animals living at the poles.

Continue reading “Global Warming Is NOT A Fraud!”

Farmer’s Market Palooza

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Madison Evans

On Friday, December 16th, Stacey’s Garden Club had a farmer’s market holding the key to success while trying to raise money for their new shed.

At the market, they had succulents, lettuce and kale arrangements, and lemons. There were large pots of multiple small succulents inside, each sold for $7. There were also medium and small succulents; the medium for $5 and the small for $3. All of the pots were hand painted by AVID and garden club students- decorated with Christmas colors, solid colors, and so much more. The kale sold for $3 and the lemons for $1.

Garden Club’s goal was to get enough money to buy a shed so they can store their important supplies- like shovels, rakes, etc.-  by the end of 2018, or before winter break. At this farmer’s market, they raised $170. Many people bought succulents while the garden club members advertised by chanting cheers and saying, “Come and get the perfect Christmas present for your family!” Continue reading “Farmer’s Market Palooza”

The Amazing Alyson Boren

screenshot 2019-01-17 at 9.40.25 am

Madison Evans

Alyson Boren is an amazing student who loves to play softball, rugby, go to the gym, and hang out with friends during her free time. She is the one that stays calm (most of the time, at least) during tough circumstances both at home and at school. Alyson is a funny, caring, and friendly student who everyone would want to be friends with. Now let’s take an inside look at what it’s like to be Alyson Boren.

To start off, Alyson uses sports to help herself both blow off some steam and train and work hard to get to college with a softball scholarship to UCLA- the college she’d wanted to go to since she was only four years old. While in college, Alyson will take as many college courses as it takes and train very hard to follow a path into becoming a Navy Seal.

Known as “Aly” in her softball league, one of the best players there, she has definitely become famous on the fields. She started playing travel ball in 2018, making new friends and training harder than ever. She mostly plays catcher and is an amazing batter. She would love for softball to take her to UCLA in the future. Continue reading “The Amazing Alyson Boren”

Spongebob’s All Washed Up

The whimsically childish, funny, and entertaining sponge that many of us grew up with was once one of the best children’s shows on the air. It had both dumb and childish humor for young kids, more clever humor for whatever older kids were watching, and some adult type humor that goes completely over kid’s heads. It really was the perfect recipe for a wonderful, enjoyable show.

However, I can’t say the same for recent episodes. Spongebob has gone seriously downhill.

For one, all the characters have changed incredibly. It’s like the writers forgot who they are supposed to be. Squidward, for instance, is supposed to be a grump. You’re not supposed to like him at all. And he’s supposed to hate Spongebob and Patrick. But more recently, Squidward has actually been nice to them. Apparently, he even helps Patrick run a lemonade stand. What even happened there? Continue reading “Spongebob’s All Washed Up”