Riverdale Reject

Dear Sam,

I really want to go trick or treating for Halloween with the Riverdale group, but my “friends” are saying I can’t go with them. They are dressing up as these characters from a popular show called Riverdale and they had no one for Veronica and I asked if I could as her. They laughed and said no. Now I have no one to go with for Halloween, I don’t want to go alone! I should never ask because now they aren’t even talking to me, and I’m staying in for Halloween. Please help, Sam!


Riverdale Reject

Dear Riverdale Reject,

First of all, you aren’t a reject, you just are in a friend situation. You should first tell these “friends” that laughing at you wasn’t kind and try to make up with them and see why they said that. If they were just being mean, then step out of your comfort zone and talk to other people. Ask questions and be interested in what they have to say, even if they seem to not like you because that probably isn’t true. Most people are just are uncomfortable and unsure what to do when they meet new people. You might be surprised at what great friends you will make. I did the same thing, and the person I talked to is now my best friend. After doing this, just simply ask a question like, “What are you going to be for Halloween?” That lead to, “Oh, that sounds cool. Can I go with you?” And if they are a true friend then they will 100 percent say yes. This will not only lead to you not being lonely for Halloween, but you might find amazing friends that have your back and will always be there for you. Hope this helps!



Ask Sam: A Princess in Peril

Dear Sam,

I’m in quite the predicament, but I’ll try to keep it brief. My life is over. A close friend of mine has been dating this guy since mid last year, and I have a huge crush on him. I tried to keep it a secret, but she found out like a week ago. Since then, they have broken up. How can I fix this?


Predicament Princess

Dear Predicament Princess,

I can see where the name comes from, this is really a predicament. First of all, have you had a real talk with that friend? You need to know how she feels about the whole thing. If she’s hung up on him, ask her if she’d be upset by you giving it a shot with him.

If she is, you’re going to need to evaluate your relationship with her and her ex-boyfriend. Who’s more important to you, him or her? If he is truly worth more to you in your life, I say to go for it and tell him how you feel.

The worst that can happen is him saying no. However, I’ve seen situations similar to this one play out, and it’s rare that the boy is worth it. You’d be sacrificing a friendship for a boyfriend. Is that really your best move?

There’s also the off chance that she’ll tell you she’s “totally okay with it,” but that’s even trickier. There’s a good chance she would be lying to make you happy, so you need to make absolutely sure that she’s telling you the truth. If she truly is okay with it, you’ve hit the jackpot. Go for it, and good luck.




Let’s Lessen the Stressin’


Juneau Resnick

No matter how hard we try, we cannot stop time. No matter how hard we try, the future will always come. It’s something we cannot stop, us growing up. We might be scared out of our minds about what it holds, but our future comes to make us better people. Even though we want to be more adult and more independent, getting there can be more daunting than we ever thought.

Continue reading “Let’s Lessen the Stressin’”

Dear Sam; Who’s Annoying?

Dear Sam,

I know for a fact that my friends are telling people I’m annoying behind my back, however, when I tried to confront them they laughed and told me I was just being silly. My sources were reliable and I had proof of them talking bad about me. And some of these people I’ve cut ties with, but some of them hold too much power to cut them off. Am I overreacting? What should I do?


Lil Miss Annoying Continue reading “Dear Sam; Who’s Annoying?”

Ask Sam: Diggin’ up the Dead

Dear Sam,

My friend ‘ships’ dead, historical figures. I try to convince her that it’s disrespectful, but she always says that there is historical proof, which is true.

-Dat Boi (Totally not a female)

Dear Dat Boi (Totally not a female),

I have to say, I have never received an advice request like this. Well that being said, I know that recently in the past year, “ship” names have been popular. With people “shipping” their favorite movie stars, actors, book character, friends.

It does surprise me that historical figures would be shipped as well. I do understand your point, and you have right to believe this. It is understandable why “shipping” dead people would be disrespectful, it may seem like digging them up from the grave.

While all of that is true, your friend may have been joking. Perhaps you’re taking this too seriously, keyword: perhaps. It’s normal for friends to disagree. It’s normal to disagree in general. All in all, don’t let a little dispute over something as small as thinking Lincoln and Jefferson should be coupled or not get in the way of your friendship.

With good wishes,


Ask Sam: Valentine Crisis

Dear Sam,

The Valentine’s Day dance is coming up… and still, NOBODY has asked me! I know that I shouldn’t be worried about superficial things like getting asked to a middle school dance but, I AM!!!! All I want is someone to ask me to the dance. I like to know that people like me. Is that a crime???? Anyways I have a crush on this boy and I am positive he likes me, but I don’t want to ask him out because it just doesn’t feel right. Isn’t the boy supposed to ask the girl? What am I supposed to do? I’m kind of in a crisis!


Valentine’s Day Crisis

Dear Valentine’s Day Crisis,

You’re right, you shouldn’t be worrying about superficial things like dances, but it’s ok to have a crush, and it’s ok to want someone to ask you to the dance. You shouldn’t have to wait for this guy to ask you, you should ask him. Who cares if “traditionally” according to “so and so” the boy is “supposed” to ask the girl. Change the rules!!



The Un-Perfect Body

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Juneau Resnick

Girls, have you ever been really insecure about your body and felt worthless? If you didn’t say yes, you’re probably lying to yourself… Not that I blame you, but every girl has been there, and some still are– especially teenagers, like myself. It’s high time we address this issue head-on. We need to feel comfortable and proud of who we are!

I know it’s hard looking at other pretty, thin, stylish girls and being envious of them. Here’s a little secret, though: She feels the same way you do.

According to mirror-mirror.org, “Over 50% of 9 and 10-year-old girls feel better about themselves if they are on a diet.” I’ll bet that some of those girls are starving themselves to get thinner, which is decreasing their nutrient intake. See what I’m saying, being insecure can be fatal! Even in my favorite TV show, Glee, we see a girl in glee club faint during a performance because she was starving herself. Continue reading “The Un-Perfect Body”

Procrastination is Present

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Kevin Luu

Procrastination is the act of avoiding a task, though surely you all knew that, seeing as everybody seems to do it. Sometimes, people procrastinate until the last minute before a deadline. Procrastination can take hold of any aspect of life. Procrastination can make you feel guilty, depressed, anxious, and doubtful of yourself.

In a study performed on university students, procrastination was shown to be greater on tasks that were perceived as unpleasant or as impositions than on tasks for which the student believed he or she lacked the required skills for accomplishing the task. So, how do people cope with procrastination?

People need to figure out why they are procrastinating. If the task is boring or unpleasant, they should take steps to get the task out of the way so they can focus on other tasks. Poor organization can lead to procrastination. Organized people successfully overcome procrastination because they use prioritized to-do lists and create effective schedules. These tools help people organize tasks by priority and deadline. Continue reading “Procrastination is Present”

Ask Sam: Four for you Glen Coco! You go Glen Coco!

Dear Sam,

I feel like everyone hates me for no apparent reason. I try my best at being friendly and happy towards everyone, but I never get anything in return. For example, I always send grams to my friends, whether it is Christmas, Halloween, or Valentine’s Day, and I never get ANYTHING in return. It’s so depressing! Like, the teachers will be handing them out and the people at my table will have gotten two or three while I get none. I feel like my friends don’t appreciate me enough and I always end up getting walked all over. Also, whenever a friend asks me for money or a favor, I always say yes. I just don’t know how to say no, and I never get paid back for it or get a favor in return. Please help me, Sam!


The Doormat

Continue reading “Ask Sam: Four for you Glen Coco! You go Glen Coco!”

Weekly Support Guide #2


Alyssa Manson

Hello, Staconians! Happy Thanksgiving! Next week we will fill your stomachs with some of our favorite foods. We will see family and enjoy a needed break from school. Ahh, what could be better? Well, not everyone experiences life the same way.

Life can be complicated, especially for teenagers. A common problem experienced by most middle school students are a variety of mixed emotions:

  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Happiness
  • Confusion
  • Puppy Love
  • Guilt
  • Jealousy

Now the struggle isn’t feeling the emotion itself, because it’s okay to feel those emotions. It is normal. Many of your peers also feel these emotions, even if they act like they don’t. Continue reading “Weekly Support Guide #2”