Stacey Promotion Dress Code

Gwyndalynn Kent and Ashley Wolf

Recently there was a flyer handed out to eighth-graders giving the schedule for the last couple days of school. It has information for eighth graders such as practice for promotion and exit interviews. At the bottom of the page, there is a paragraph about what students should wear to graduation. After receiving the flyers and talking to people around campus, many students disliked what it said.

Recently there has been a lot of talk about how dress codes tend to mostly target female students. Most schools had rules like “no necklines lower than an inch below the collar bone,” “ shirts must have straps being one inch thick,” and “ shorts, dresses, and skirts must reach to the fingertips.” Most girls attending schools with these rules think that these rules target the girls especially and don’t make sense in general. Most girls don’t feel comfortable wearing shorts that are super short or a shirt that is backless. When girls get dress coded, many are forced to wear their P.E. shirt or clothes given to them by the office. In fact, when a girl is walking around it her PE clothes, she definitely gets more attention than wearing a shirt with a strap thinner than one inch. Continue reading “Stacey Promotion Dress Code”

Knott’s Field Trip Guide; Making Sure That You Don’t Wait In Lines

Gavin Mercado



Knott’s History

Part 1: Getting There

Part 2: Being Prepared for Knott’s

Part 3: Dining At Knott’s

Part 4: Attractions and Beating the Lines

Part 5: Final Thoughts



Hello students, are you in eighth grade this year? If so, buckle uptight because you’re about to take on one of the best field trips you will ever experience.

Remember, to go on this field trip you must be in eighth grade, you must have finished all three of your service hours, you must maintain a 2.0 GPA, and you have to turn in a TBD amount of money to Mr. Yohn. Continue reading “Knott’s Field Trip Guide; Making Sure That You Don’t Wait In Lines”

DC Trip Walton

As almost any Stacey student would know, the Washington D.C trip is one enjoyed by many eighth graders over spring break. For six days, students adventured through Virginia, Pensylvania, and New York. Here is the breakdown of their journey throughout the East Coast.

Virginia/ Washington D.C.

After getting off their red-eye flight, Stacey students immediately began their exploration of D.C. On their first day, students got to see Ford’s Theatre, the place of the historic Lincoln assassination, the Holocaust Museum, and Arlington National Cemetary. There, they got to see many historic tombs, most notably, John F. Kennedy and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Afterward, they saw the Holocaust memorial. Continue reading “DC Trip”

8th Grade Service Hours

Screenshot 2018-09-27 at 9.23.57 AM

Gavin Mercado

Attention all eighth graders! It’s time to help out the community! Every eighth grader will have one service hour due each trimester. 

Eighth graders who plan on attending the Knott’s Berry Farm trip in the spring, must complete the one service.

Sixth and seventh graders don’t have to worry about their service hours until they get into eighth grade unless they are in AVID or NJHS, and then they are required to do additional service hours.  Continue reading “8th Grade Service Hours”