The Benefits and a Downfall of the Jupiter-Ed System

Isabella Gonzalez

Jupiter Ed is a system created for students to check their grades, look for upcoming assignments, check assignments that they have not done, check GPA, send messages to teachers, and much more. It is very helpful; however, it definitely has some things that need improvement.

To begin, there are many helpful and good things there as well. For example, when a student has a missing assignment or a failing grade in a class, Jupiter will send a message to the parent email and the student email. Although most students would not think it would be a plus for their parents to see their failing grade, it will definitely help them get their grade up and be more focused on improving.

Another benefit of using Jupiter Ed is that a student can message a teacher whenever they would like, they can message the principal anonymously, or showing their identity. The anonymous messaging is very helpful because it allows students to report bad behavior they have seen and tell the principal anything, without having to get involved. Messaging teachers is also very helpful because students can ask them about an assignment they are confused about, due dates, instructions on a certain assignment, and much more. Continue reading “The Benefits and a Downfall of the Jupiter-Ed System”

Don’t Fret, Report Cards Aren’t Here . . . Yet

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Averi Farren

Report cards are quickly approaching via mail. The second trimester ended on Friday, March 9th, and the third trimester started on Monday, March 12th. That means the second trimesters report cards are going to be mailed home March 27th.

For many students, the first Trimester is the easiest and the second trimester is exceedingly rougher.

Many of you fret the day report cards get sent home. Its normal for students to be nervous when report cards arrive even if you have great grades. Continue reading “Don’t Fret, Report Cards Aren’t Here . . . Yet”

Students Struggling With Homework

FullSizeRender (17).jpgKevin Luu

Teachers are important in helping students learn, but students, parents, and caregivers all play vital roles in the homework process. So how can teachers use homework to make students feel like they are learning?

All students must set goals for themselves. The goals shouldn’t be impossible, but possible so that students can reach them. Parents must let students know that homework meaning and not doing homework can cause consequences such as a significant drop in grades.

The major academic purposes of homework are that the students can review and understand what they just learned so that they can get ready for the next day of school, using resources such as the Internet and encyclopedias, and explore subjects more than time permits in the classroom. Continue reading “Students Struggling With Homework”

Extra Credit Brings Down Grades?

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Evelyn Huynh

Students know that doing extra credit work is a great way to boost up grades, however after awhile, they start to bring down grades.

When a student does extra credit work, it puts more points into that specific category in Jupiter grades. However, once that category has over 100% and he or she does more work in that category, it starts to bring down the grades in both the category and overall grade because the average goes down. Continue reading “Extra Credit Brings Down Grades?”

The Community Circle of Help

Katelyn Hooker and Oanh Tran

Progress reports are on their way, and Mrs. Mondt has been holding community circles with students to help to talk about grades once a week. The number of students in this community circle this week was seven.  

There were students in the circle discussing one after another about what has been happening with their grades. When a student has low grades, she talks to them individually, with no interruptions.

Mrs. Mondt makes sure each student’s grades are being kept up even when at risk. Mrs. Mondt likes to address her students as “friends,” to make them feel more welcome. She does a great job motivating the students with encouraging words like: “Make sure you study friends!”   Continue reading “The Community Circle of Help”