Dear Mother

Ashley Wolf

Every year, the second Sunday of may

Some certain special people in our lives, get their own special day

They are beautiful, kind, unique, like no other

Let’s start this off with a simple Dear Mother

You taught me that sometimes what matters most are the little things

You have sheltered me, but also let me go out and spread my wings

You have given me the freedom to learn from my mistakes

And I’m sorry for causing you way too many headaches

You make me smile when I frown

You make me feel at home even when the world is upside down

Continue reading “Dear Mother”


Screenshot 2017-05-10 at 4.43.40 PM

Mariah Escatel

ATTENTION Stacey Students! You might have forgotten, but teachers appreciation week is this week! It is merely Wednesday so you have some time to show your teachers that you care!

Do not overlook this week simply because you didn’t get a flyer for it. It is a real thing. Show the people who create doctors, lawyers, firemen and more that they truly are special and appreciated. 

One simple way to show them that you care is by saying, “You are a great teacher.” Although, your teachers probably will still appreciate some flowers or chocolates as well.

NJHS Cares For The Brave

Operation gratitude

Quang Truong

NJHS is creating care packages for our brave soldiers fighting for our freedom overseas. Members will be bringing Ziploc bags, shaving cream, lotions, along with small items to lend a taste of home like stuffed animals, as well as earbuds for music and other media.

NJHS volunteers created the care packages using items brought in by Mrs. Gates and other members. Most of the items in the care packages were hygiene products such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, tissues, and chapstick.

These care packages will be shipped to Van Nuys for Operation Gratitude. Service family members are also able to request a care package from their loved ones.

Good Grief or Good Gratitude?


Kristen Fernandez

The smell of pumpkin pie is in the air and a fall breeze is here. The Peanuts Gang is rounding the corner and that can only mean one thing. This month on the 26th, Thanksgiving will arrive once again, bringing its festivities along.

“I am excited to see all my family in one place,” said seventh grader Justin Samone. Continue reading “Good Grief or Good Gratitude?”