Going Towards the Summer!

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Kevin Luu

Hello Stacey Cougars! This year is almost up. We are about halfway towards the third trimester here at Stacey. I know what you’re thinking: “It’s almost summer so I won’t try as hard.”

Well, you want your grades to improve, not go down, right? I mean, you want to get your grades to the highest so that you don’t feel bad about it over the summer. Think about it. Would you want your parents to freak out over your grades or to be chill during the summer?

How about state testing? Yep, we are in the middle of that right now. Don’t give up on those. Continue reading “Going Towards the Summer!”

New Trimester, New Me!

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Mariah Escatel

It’s out with the old and in with the new. Goodbye clouds of grey, hello skies of blue. That’s right, the new trimester is happening! *credit to High School Musical 2*

A new trimester means a new chance to start over! Students are able to drop old attitudes and work habits and start off fresh.

A friendly reminder for seventh graders: Your grades count towards graduation, so make sure to keep that pesky GPA well above a 2.0.

A less friendly reminder for eighth graders: Your grades are extremely necessary to graduate, especially if you slacked off during 7th grade. Maintain above a 2.0 GPA at all costs. Get ready for the next few months, where you’ll be faced with a film project, the newspaper project, essays, exit interviews, portfolios, resumes, graduation– it’s all coming! This last trimester will wiz by! Continue reading “New Trimester, New Me!”

Kill Them With Kindness!

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Mia Grasse

As most of you already know, the week of January 22 through the 26 is Kindness Week, but that doesn’t mean we should only be nice one week of the year. Kindness Week is about reminding us to be kind to everyone every day. So, here’s the real question, how can we be more kind?

   Have you ever teased someone because they are different?

   Have you ever spread mean rumors or gossiped about another person?

   Have you ever posted something mean on social media about another person?

Well, this might shock you, but those examples are not considered nice. So during Kindness Week, make sure to remind yourself of the real meaning of kindness. Continue reading “Kill Them With Kindness!”

It’s Cool to be Kind Campaign


Leandra  Gimenez

This year Stacey Middle School has been working hard to try to make the campus a kinder environment. Earlier this year, we ran the shoe drive, and we raised about $3,000 for a school in Guatemala. Now we have a campaign called “ It’s Cool to be Kind.”

It’s Cool to be Kind is set up through the Westminster School District as a competition between all the schools in our district. The grand prize is $25,000! Continue reading “It’s Cool to be Kind Campaign”

Orphan Gets Badly Burned in an Arson Attack and Has Only One Wish

Safyre Terry after the fire and before
Safyre Terry after the fire and before

Tyler Serrano

A little girl named Safyre Terry was the only survivor of the Arson attack in May, 2013 that destroyed her home. The attack also caused the death of her father David, her 3-year-old sister Layah, her 2-year-old brother Michael, and her 11-month-old brother, Donovan. Continue reading “Orphan Gets Badly Burned in an Arson Attack and Has Only One Wish”