Stacey’s Broadcast Journalism World Records!

Gavin Mercado

Broadcast Journalism has had a good run, we have been posting weekly articles since 2014. Although Broadcast Journalism is going down to its last few articles. We have a few records that were broken on the Cougar Chronicle. Let’s get into this:

First Article Ever Published:

And the record goes to…

Teacher Aid or Distraction to the Action? by Kristen Fernandez, Thao Vy Phan, and Samantha Skocilic!

This article was the birth of the Cougar Chronicle and quite a historical feat for many Journalism students. Occasionally some current Journalism students will go back and read the article that created 96+ more pages of articles! Congratulations you three! Continue reading “Stacey’s Broadcast Journalism World Records!”

Are Writers and Journalists The Same?

Annabelle Lona

People may be wondering, are writers and journalists the same? They both do the same thing, which is write. Maybe they are the same. This is one heck of a mystery.

Let’s have a conversation about writers. says that writers tend to have a thousand unwritten pieces rattling around in his/her head. It also says that they tend to have different points of view than journalists. Being a writer is an exercise in looking at all the potential pieces they want to write, then prioritizing it.

Take J.K. Rowling for example. She wrote an entire series of Harry Potter, even though she was told that she would never succeed, and after getting rejected 12 times. After finishing the series, her books were published by Scholastic and she became the richest woman in the U.K.   Continue reading “Are Writers and Journalists The Same?”

Summer, Here We Come

Gwyndalynn Kent

That’s right, spring break is over and our next break isn’t until summer. There are only 40 more days of school until summer, Stacey Cougars.

For 8th graders that means they will no longer be a Stacey student and will be on their way to high school.  

Summer can be filled with plenty of activities such as going on vacation, heading to the beach, sitting on the couch watching the TV, hanging out with family members or literally anything else.

So what are you doing for the summer? Comment it below.

What Is This Rotten Tomatometer?

Annabelle Lona

When it comes to movies, there is always that rotten Tomatometer percentage on it. Some might be thinking, “What is this rotten Tomatometer?” Well, here’s what this really means.

How about the origin of this meter? Rotten Tomatoes was supposed to launch on August 12th, 1998. However, Rotten Tomatoes officially launched April 1st, 2000, by 3 undergraduate students named Senh Duong, Patrick Y. Lee, and Stephen Wang. Duong’s goal was to “create a site where people can get access to reviews from a variety of critics in the U.S.”

This was originally made to be a spare time project. The meaning of a rotten tomato is to show a review of how much a person likes a certain movie. Rotten Tomatoes has been owned by Flixster since 2010. It was acquired by Warner Bros. in 2011, but in February of 2016, Rotten Tomatoes and its parent site Flixster were purchased by Comcast’s Fandango. Warner Bros. retained a minority stake in the merged entities, including Fandango. Continue reading “What Is This Rotten Tomatometer?”

Mr. Yohn Conspiracy Theories: Part II

We all know Mr. Yohn as a very extra teacher. Although many conspiracy theories on Mr. Yohn have already surfaced, there are still many mysterious and intriguing things about this Social Studies teacher that we have yet to uncover. Let’s get into this.

Is Mr. Yohn Shaggy From Scooby-Doo?:

Now, this theory isn’t exactly original. It was created by Jenna Martinez; an eighth grader who reads the Cougar Chronicle. *Thank you Jenna.* Her theory is that Mr. Yohn is Shaggy from Scooby Doo. Where’s the evidence for this?

Well, Mr. Yohn was once caught wearing a baggy green shirt and brown cargo pants just like Shaggy from Scooby Doo. He also wears other clothing items that people could compare to Shaggy. We, however, have yet to confirm that he has a dog (which would probably be named Scooby). Continue reading “Mr. Yohn Conspiracy Theories: Part II”

Who Really Is Gavin Mercado?

Ashley Wolf

Gavin is the stranger behind all of the teacher conspiracy articles. You think you know him, but he is a mystery that may never be solved. Who really is Gavin Mercado? And what is he hiding?

Why Does Gavin Really Write Conspiracy Articles?

We all know Gavin is a great journalist, but all of a sudden he stopped with the Disney related articles. Do you know what replaced those articles? Weekly Conspiracy Theories about Stacey’s very own teachers. Doesn’t this seem strange to you? You probably thought nothing of it, but I’m here to tell you the truth. Continue reading “Who Really Is Gavin Mercado?”

Mr. Mitchell Conspiracy Theories

Mr. Mitchell is a very popular Language Arts, Reading and Social Studies teacher. However, he isn’t all that innocent. Mr. Mitchell may be hiding things that we´ve never seen before. Let’s get into this.

Is Mr. Mitchell A Basketball?:

Everyone who is in  Mr. Mitchell’s class knows that Mr. Mitchell likes to keep his iconic buzz-cut short. But has anyone thought that this might be mandatory? Besides, if a basketball had hair, no one would play with it. Mr. Mitchell is also a coach, according to our resources.

Did Mr. Mitchell Star In Hit or Miss?:

Some students in Mr. Mitchell´s class seem to notice that he always puts his chin on his hand. This may seem normal, but what we have found is very, very unusual. Continue reading “Mr. Mitchell Conspiracy Theories”

What is this World Record Egg?

Screenshot 2019-02-14 at 9.36.25 AM

Madison Evans

On January 4th, 2019, an unknown Instagram user decided to post a picture of a brown egg. Everyone was talking about it, wondering why someone would do this in the first place. But when they read the caption, all was explained. Of course, eggs are just an everyday breakfast food- but breakfast had nothing to do with this.

It all started when Kylie Jenner posted a picture of her five-day-old baby, Stormi Webster, on February 6th, 2018. The post was created to announce the baby’s name to her 123 million followers and fans. With everyone adoring the picture of the baby holding her mother’s thumb while asleep, it had the most likes on Instagram- over 18 million.

Almost a year later, the unknown Instagram user posted the picture of the egg; and all to prove a point. The caption read, “Let’s set a world record together and get the most liked post on Instagram. Beating the current world record held by Kylie Jenner (18 million)! We got this.” Continue reading “What is this World Record Egg?”

Ms. Walters Conspiracy Theories

Now, Ms. Walters is a favorite among the many Language Arts teachers here, as well as Journalism. However, there is something very peculiar about her that she isn’t quite telling us. The Journalism Investigative Team have come back again and found so many strange things that not even the world could explain. Now sit back, relax and eat a snack (that is healthy).

Is Ms. Walters Secretly a Horse?

Ms. Walters, if you are reading this, we don’t mean this in a mean way. Ms. Walters once mentioned that she was a veterinarian nurse before becoming a teacher. She also has several horse pictures inside her classroom. Everyone who has heard her read The Outsiders knows that she has a nice accent. We asked and she has clarified that she has a horse. While that may explain where that horsey smell comes, has anyone considered that she might actually BE a horse herself?

Now, this may sound strange, but Ms. Walters could very well be a centaur which is half horse half human. However, instead of being half and half, she might be able to control it so that she could shapeshift back and forth from a horse and a human. It all makes sense now, doesn´t it? Continue reading “Ms. Walters Conspiracy Theories”