The Preparation of the Glowintine Dance

Jolie Phan

Valentine’s Day, a day where people share their affection with others. A day where people exchange candies with their friends and classmates. A day where you get filthy rich with chocolates and love letters (well, in your dreams). A day where the Glowintine Dance breaks in.

The dance was originally scheduled for February 13, but due to the Marina High School Informational Night that was on the same day, it was rescheduled for Wed. February 6. The Glowintine Dance is being held inside the multi-purpose room in the old location. The dance starts at 5:00 and ends at 7:00 PM.

There will be food, snacks, and drinks held outside of the multipurpose room provided by Leadership. While inside the multi-purpose room, there will be a DJ blasting some music and lights. There won’t be any contests like the Ugly Sweater contest from the Winter Dance. Bring some extra money because you will need to buy food.

So, come stop by at Stacey Middle School for the fun, lively dance. The dance is opening for all grade levels. It’s just $4 with ASB and $5 without ASB. Tickets are on sale during lunch. There will be another dance coming up too. The Spring Dance. Hope to see you there!

Red Ribbon Week

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Grace Baer

Red ribbon week is this week, everyone! The theme is: Life Is Your Journey, Travel Drug-Free ™.

To spread awareness, this week Stacey is going to have a different theme for every day to show Drug Awareness. On Monday wear 70’s, on Tuesday, wear red, on Wednesday wear neon, on Thursday wear a sports jersey, and on Friday wear something Hawaiian.

Red ribbon week started in 1985 and has been going since. The purpose is to spread awareness about drug and substance abuse.

By participating, everyone is paving a better future for themselves. Homeroom classes also receive a red ribbon bracelet that will earn a free slushie at a participating 7Eleven©️.

ASB Elections from a Student’s View

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Madison Evans and Jolie Phan

This year, many candidates ran for the ASB office this year. Give it up for our new President, Leanne Le, and our Vice President, Kayleen Tran, and our treasurer and secretary, Jasmyn Schubert, and Ethan Tran. There is no doubt that this will be another great year at Staconia!

The journalism team interviewed many students. Some voted for Allison Davis, who did not win. One student said she was, ¨a trustworthy and kind student who would get things done if she won for president.¨

For vice president, Summer Boren and Alyson Boren said that they voted for Avery Taumoefolau because ¨she is a very enthusiastic and energetic person and she´s also a good friend to both of us.¨ Lastly, coming from Ms. Walters, Ethan Tran was the best candidate running for a secretary because ¨he is very respectful and helpful.¨ Continue reading “ASB Elections from a Student’s View”

Everyone Is A Spring Fling Queen

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Mariah Escatel

Leadership was holding their very first Spring Fling, and Stacey apparently wasn’t buzzing with excitement.

The leadership classroom had planned a Spring Fling, but it was entirely different from the “pictured” Spring Fling in the classic Mean Girls movie. Stacey’s Spring Fling would not be a dance but would be more similar to a fall fest. There would’ve been barbeque, music, and games.

“I’m really excited for it,” said eighth-grader Aiyanna Dejacimo before the event was canceled. “I’m looking forward to just hanging out with friends after school.” Continue reading “Everyone Is A Spring Fling Queen”

Meme Day

Averi Farren

Meme day is here! Many students have been anticipating this day, March 30th, and have thought of all the memes they could use to get their costumes ready.

What is a meme many might be wondering? A meme (mēm/ noun) is an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non-generic means, especially imitation. A humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.

Basically, a meme is a picture/video with a funny caption that you relate to, quote on the daily, or have a good laugh at it and send it to a couple friends. Many send them via Instagram, Snapchat, iMessage, Twitter, etc. Continue reading “Meme Day”

Leadership Disneyland Trip


Averi Farren

Attention Stacey Middle School students! Leadership’s annual Disneyland trip is here. The students that partake in the Leadership elective here at Stacey will be going on a trip to Disneyland Wednesday, February 28.

In the morning, they will leave on the bus and arrive at Disneyland around 10 am. They’re planning to leave Disneyland around 6 pm and arrive back at the school for parents to pick them up at 7.

Leadership students are very excited about this upcoming trip and can’t wait. They say that they have been patiently waiting for this day. Continue reading “Leadership Disneyland Trip”

Pennies for Patients

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Mariah Escatel

Meet five-year-old Amari. He was diagnosed with precursor B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia in October 2015. Heroes like Amari should never fight cancer alone.

Stacey students are helping patients like Amari this year by participating in the Pennies for Patients charity fundraiser. The fundraiser began Feb. 5th and runs until Feb. 23rd, and the goal is to receive $2,018.

This fundraiser, however, isn’t for the PTSA or for the homeless. It is going to be donated to find effective cancer therapies for the LLS, or Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Continue reading “Pennies for Patients”

Kill Them With Kindness!

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Mia Grasse

As most of you already know, the week of January 22 through the 26 is Kindness Week, but that doesn’t mean we should only be nice one week of the year. Kindness Week is about reminding us to be kind to everyone every day. So, here’s the real question, how can we be more kind?

   Have you ever teased someone because they are different?

   Have you ever spread mean rumors or gossiped about another person?

   Have you ever posted something mean on social media about another person?

Well, this might shock you, but those examples are not considered nice. So during Kindness Week, make sure to remind yourself of the real meaning of kindness. Continue reading “Kill Them With Kindness!”

Did You Enjoy the Fall Fest?

Avalyn Walton

Fall Fest, Stacey’s annual outdoor evening event, was last Thursday and many students had a terrific time. With great snacks and an awesome movie to watch, students had the perfect opportunity to spend a night making memories.

Despite having some small difficulties with getting the movie Beetlejuice, directed by Tim Burton, in color in the beginning, this movie was thrilling and fun. 

For two hours, students had fun either watching the movie, or just hanging out with friends. And although most students really enjoyed themselves, when talking to a few it is apparent some people want the function to change slightly. It’s all a matter of opinion and we want to hear yours.