Is The Mile Necessary?

Grace Baer

For many Stacey students, the mile is a burden. Running on the uneven field while panting, out of breath is not usually somebody’s favorite thing to do. We ask ourselves is the mile necessary or how will this help me get a job in the future? These are all questions generations of students have pondered.

Many students also disagree on timing the mile. Student Marian Montez says, “They shouldn’t base a grade on something as simple as exercise. While some kids have higher stamina, others may not.”

Mr. Thorsen, one of Stacey’s three PE teachers responds to comments like this with, “We just want you to try your best.” But students are still failing to see the reasoning behind the mile. Continue reading “Is The Mile Necessary?”

Stacey’s First Soccer Game of the Year

Kirra Kirby

Both of Stacey’s soccer teams played the Johnson Wildcats on April 10th and ended up beating Johnson. We could not be more thrilled.

The girls’ soccer team smashed the Wildcats with an ending score of 6 to 0. Carolena Provenzino a 7th grader on the girls’ soccer team says, “I think that the team played really well, and I helped with two great assists. Overall, it was a great experience.”

On the other hand, the boys’ soccer team beat Johnson with a narrower final score of 2 to 1. 7th grade Caiden Rodriguez says, “It was fun, and when Tanner Bartling scored the final goal to get them a win he was ecstatic.”

The next game will be at Warner on April 30th. Let’s hope our Stacey soccer team can pull out another win, and also holding the title of undefeated.




A Forgotten Sport

Gavin Lopez

It’s common knowledge that our school offers a variety of sports at either P.E., for fun, or to even play for our school. For example, we have flag football for both P.E. as well as our school team, likewise for volleyball soccer, softball, and basketball. Badminton is a club, and the running team/track for our school works as a club too.

We also have more obscure sports that are more centered in P.E. like Olympic handball and frisbee golf. Already you can tell we have a nice selection of sports to pick from, but there’s something that caught my curiosity recently, and I wondered why it wasn’t also included.

You may or may not know about another sport called Lacrosse; it’s a sport that doesn’t get as much attention as other sports. Some of the reasons why it’s not super mainstream are because it’s referred to as a more elite sport sometimes because of how expensive all the gear can be and all the paraphernalia that comes with it. Lacrosse is usually compared to hockey and football. Hockey for how the game works and football because its somewhat of a contact sport, but there are different versions that are less rough or require minimum if no contact. Continue reading “A Forgotten Sport”

Stacey’s First Ever Home Volleyball Game

Kirra Kirby and Isabella Gonzalez

At the home of the Stacey Cougars, Johnson and Warner each came to fight against our Stacey Volleyball team for the pride of winning the second volleyball game of the season. 

Our Stacey boys and girls volleyball team practiced on Thursday 1/24 and again on Tuesday 1/29 to prepare for the upcoming games. They worked on setting, bumping, and spiking the ball, as well as hitting it off of the net. Then, soon enough, it was game day. They warmed up and got into position, ready to defeat Warner and Johnson Middle Schools!

On Wednesday, Stacey was ready to play their first ever sporting event in the new gym! The room was so lively and everyone was excited to see who would win. Continue reading “Stacey’s First Ever Home Volleyball Game”

Fall Football Tryouts

Isabella Gonzalez

Some of the most promising football players tried out for the Stacey Football Flag team on Sept. 18-19 and 21st. 

Mr. Cota held the 6th and 7th-grade football tryouts on the 18th which consisted of drills to see the student’s skills in action. Mr. Cota seemed excited about this upcoming season and about training boys and girls to develop their skills and their teamwork. “My hopes are always that we have good characters and that they can develop into leaders,” he says.

On September 19th, 8th-grade tryouts began. The students also did drills to see how they played together. Final tryouts were the on September 21st. Mr. Cota was impressed with the expertise his team of great players exhibited. They will be representing Stacey for flag football this year against Johnson and Warner Middle School.

For those who made the team, the practices will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday right after school until 4 pm. The team plays Warner on October 10th at Warner, Johnson on October 24th at Johnson, and both Warner and Johnson on November 14th here at Stacey. Listen to the announcements for more information.

This year’s flag football team will be one for the record books! We hope to see many Stacey students at the games! 

No More Holes!

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Juneau Resnick

Has anyone ever noticed how full of holes our field is? It’s because of all the gopher tunnels underneath the grass. This issue poses a danger to all the students during PE and when they are on the field during lunch.

Many students have slipped into a hole while running the mile or twisted their ankle during lunch. These holes need to go. “We have many boys and girls who are on outside sports teams who refuse to try at school, for fear of twisting their ankle,“ says Mr. Yohn.  “Even our own Stacey running team won’t go out on the field anymore.”

Besides the danger, these holes are prohibiting the grass from growing. At the moment, our field is not something to be proud of. The gopher holes are preventing that. Continue reading “No More Holes!”

We Hope You All Passed

Gwyndalynn Kent

Every year, students in grades fifth and seventh have to partake in the often dreaded Physical Fitness Test, where the teachers test each and every student on their physical abilities. Well, that time came for all students in seventh grade that happen last week for seventh-graders at Stacey Middle School.

There were several different abilities that were tested including the sit and reach, curl-ups, the mile run, and push-ups. Besides that, they also took the students’ height and weight.

For things such as the curl-ups, push-ups, and the mile run, every student has to reach a certain goal, which varies due to gender. Continue reading “We Hope You All Passed”

Remember Spring Training

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Mia Grasse

While all the Major League Baseball teams are getting ready for the season to start, fans wonder, will they be ready? Well, I can think of some teams who are. has an analyzed the performance of teams throughout their spring training. From team batting averages to team pitching averages, there is much to look at. Continue reading “Remember Spring Training”

Medal Count


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Ashley Wolf

With the Winter Olympics coming to a close, let’s see which countries won the most medals.

– Norway has 14 gold, 14 silver, 11 bronze, 39 in total

– Germany has 14 gold, 10 silver, 7 bronze, 31 in total

– Canada has 11 gold, 8 silver, 10 bronze, 29 in total

– The United States has 9 gold, 8 silver, 6 bronze, 23 in total

– The Netherlands has 8 gold, 6 silver, 6 bronze, 20 in total

– South Korea 5 gold, 8 silver, 4 bronze, 17 in total

– Olympic Athlete from Russia has 2 gold, 6 silver, 9 gold, 17 in total Continue reading “Medal Count”

Come Join Youth Volleyball!

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Katie Mills

USYVL presents Youth Volleyball at Fountain Valley & Huntington Beach! Come and have fun outside and play volleyball with your friends, and even make new friends.

Fountain Valley Sports Park

Starts Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tuesdays 6:00 – 7:00 PM and

Saturdays 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Huntington Central Sports Complex

Starts Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesdays 6:00 – 7:00 PM and

Saturdays 9:00 – 10:00 AM Continue reading “Come Join Youth Volleyball!”